Tuesday 8 September 2015



Yes indeed I'm alcoholic!
Who doesn't have to be rehabilitated,
I dance when I'm drunk,
I joke when I'm drunk,
I'm immaculate when I'm drunk.

Yes indeed I'm alcoholic,
Yes indeed I'm alcoholic.

I befriend anyone rich or poor,
I party till early dawn,
Though tomorrow I'm penniless,
I don't complain because liquor is my friend,
When Christians go to church I go to the bar,
Bar man know what I want

Yes indeed I'm alcoholic,
Yes indeed I'm alcohoic.

I drown my sorrow in liquor,
I'm no player I just drink,
I'm not liar I just drink,
I'm not racist I drink all kinds of beers,
I sleep without nightmare.

Yes indeed I'm alcoholic,
Yes indeed I'm alcoholic

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