Tuesday 29 September 2015


Most of religions prohibit consumption of what I 've mention above.To their perception this three are what considered sin,of which if you want to be a good religious person you should avoid this three.But isn't this idea misleading us,making us to believe  that smoking is sin,drinking is sin,and eating pork is not good thing.

There are many things that people do,like cheating, stealing,killing,telling lies etc.This dislike-able things are swept under carpet not much is said about them,because they are done secretly where no body see you,this are more dangerous more than pork.cigarettes and booze.Religious people declare themselves committed to teaching and the way of scripture,they forget scripture is more like constitution of a country,it tells us that if you do this,you will be punished this way,which in most cases is difficult to follow.

Religious people would like to stay away from sin at all cost.Scripture teach us not to commit sin and stay true to our God.What we turn to forget is that human being pretend to be clever animal ever,human being forget that he part of animal world,so we see ourselves as special animal who should be treated with respect.Word eternal life is what most of us long for,eternal life encourage us to seek God's way of life,God's way or not you are gonna die one day,just like Jesus Christ 

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