Tuesday, 29 September 2015


Cnky modisha: WHY STILL UNMARRIED AT MY AGE: WHY STILL UNMARRIED AT MY AGE Everyone at tender age dream of being married or to marry someone,though sad reality is that some of us die...


Cnky modisha: CIGARETTES,BOOZEANDPORK: CIGARETTES,BOOZE AND PORK Most of religions prohibit consumption of what I 've mention above.To their perception this three are what ...

Cnky modisha: I AM CRAVING FOR YOU

Cnky modisha: I AM CRAVING FOR YOU: Ooh yes,ooh yes! I am craving for you, To see you naked, To touch you, To kiss your whole body, To see your bum and your boobs ...


Cnky modisha: LONELINESS PAINFUL: LONELINESS IS PAINFUL Loneliness is painful Though being in love with wrong person is more painful, Where you're unable to be hap...


Loneliness is painful
Though being in love with wrong person is more painful,
Where you're unable to be happy,
Unable to enjoy love,
Always in tears,
Unable to be yourself.

Where emotional abuse is daily bread,
Physical abuse is daily bread,
Financial abuse is daily bread,
Where there is no different between sex and rape,
Where pain is way of life.

Loneliness is painful
Though being in love with wrong person is more painful.
Is like rubbing salt in the wound,
Is like being imprisoned,
Is like being slave,
Is like self torture.

Loneliness is painful 
Though being in love with wrong person is more painful
Tell me sweet lies, don't swear at me
Touch me softly,don't smack me
Kiss me nicely,don't spit at me,
Make love to me,don't rape me 


Ooh yes,ooh yes!
I am craving for you,
To see you naked,
To touch you,
To kiss your whole body,
To see your bum and your boobs

Ooh yes,ooh yes!
I am craving for you
To lick your sweet lips
To lick your sweet pussy,
To lick your bum,
And to lick your tits.

Ooh yes,ooh yes!
I am craving for you
To look at your beautiful face
To make love to you,till early morning.
To suck you ,till you lose control.
To be your sex toy,
To be touched by your smooth hands.

Ooh yes,ooh yes!
I am craving for you
To hear you whisper dirty words in my ears,
To hear you laugh,
To hear you say '' ooh ja,ooh ja,ooh ja''

Ooh yes,ooh yes!
I am craving for you,I am craving for you


Most of religions prohibit consumption of what I 've mention above.To their perception this three are what considered sin,of which if you want to be a good religious person you should avoid this three.But isn't this idea misleading us,making us to believe  that smoking is sin,drinking is sin,and eating pork is not good thing.

There are many things that people do,like cheating, stealing,killing,telling lies etc.This dislike-able things are swept under carpet not much is said about them,because they are done secretly where no body see you,this are more dangerous more than pork.cigarettes and booze.Religious people declare themselves committed to teaching and the way of scripture,they forget scripture is more like constitution of a country,it tells us that if you do this,you will be punished this way,which in most cases is difficult to follow.

Religious people would like to stay away from sin at all cost.Scripture teach us not to commit sin and stay true to our God.What we turn to forget is that human being pretend to be clever animal ever,human being forget that he part of animal world,so we see ourselves as special animal who should be treated with respect.Word eternal life is what most of us long for,eternal life encourage us to seek God's way of life,God's way or not you are gonna die one day,just like Jesus Christ 


Everyone at tender age dream of being married or to marry someone,though sad reality is that some of us die unmarried,when you approach 40 as single you get frustrated.And you start asking yourself countless question
So my reasons of being unmarried are 
1.Being emotionally stupid
2.Fear of commitment.
3.Not willing to share.
4.Unable to dig deep.
6.Expecting much from next person
7.Blaming partner for my failure
9. Absconding
This 9 reasons contributed for me being unmarried at my age,though I feel even if I wish to marry to marry a wrong person is like building your house on volcano,while there is a need to marry I believe I don't have to rush for it.Because I don't want to marry in order to divorce
And the question I ask myself is, those who are married ,did they tie the knot because of age or because is the right time to do so,or they were feeling the pressure to do so 

Wednesday, 16 September 2015



I used to believe that love exist,
That love is powerful,
Until my girlfriend dumped me,
Until my girlfriend cheated on me,
Until I read about boyfriend killing girlfriend,
Until I read about girlfriend killing boyfriend.

Love song used to calm my mood,
Not anymore.
Love movies used to inspire me,
Not anymore.
Romantic books used encourage me,
Not anymore.
Valentine's day was my biggest day of the year,
Not anymore.

I used to believe that love exist,
That love is powerful,it conquer everything,
Now i know love is overrated,
Is just big myth



This is the question I don't think most people ask themselves ,because when your still young and energetic most of the things don't really matter.However when you're about to reach forty, like in my situation you begin to question yourself ,why you're not married,why this ,why that.It feels like you can blame someone for you failure,in reality you have yourself to blame and no one.

The reason why still poor at my age is.
1.I didn't have self esteem.
2.I believe too much at what other say.
3.I procrastinate too much.
4.I nursed my shyness.
5. I didn't have courage.
6.Concerned at what other say.
7.Not being hungry to succeed.
8.Being comfortable
9.To dream without action.
10.To seek validation.

This 10 reason are what made me to be at where I am to day.Which hampered me to progress to up my life,in most cases this reasons are what stop many of us for being who we want to be.There are many explanations of success, to me means '" to live life you wished for''.And the other thing is that hampered our success is lack of financial management,all my life I wished to earn decent salary,undermining that no money is too little to save.It is said that if you take care of money it will take care of you      


ladies stop acting like saints

Man and woman want sex alike,however it looks like man need it more than woman do,while woman are just there to provide a man with his wants.There is this misconception that if you invite a lady to your room,in the morning or after you satisfy each other you have to give her money,"just to say thanks".

For what?Ladies that I interviewed says ''is to buy cosmetics,make hair style and snacks and most importantly it shows that you are a real man".Now my argument is why being a real man I have to pay.T his money we give our ladies ta TOWNSHIPS  is called ''Patch''.This confuses man a lot,we don't know the different between sex worker and non sex worker,the worst is that non sex worker are expensive of which you have to dig deep in you pocket  mean while sex worker price is there to see.

Between man and woman not at all time we're looking for love,as is something big to look for this days,at most times we're looking for sex and nothing else.Although we're looking for same thing it's sad that only man bear consequences.I met one lady who was straight forward about how she contact her self ,she told me that I have to part ways with R400 for just one night.Was she a sex worker?No.What I liked about her was that she didn't beat around the bush.While most ladies just keep quite,though expecting to be given something after sweet night 

Tuesday, 8 September 2015



Are we being fooled to believe that everything is working good when is scientifically proven,or we believe too much on science  where it seems as if science is the answer to everything in our life,whichever if a product doesn't say scientifically approved is not good for use or consumption.

Elders in LIMPOPO and WESTERN CAPE believe that oil from condoms heal their arthritics pain and after that they feel good.How may times do people go to hospital and turned back because a doctor can't see anything wrong with the patient ,and at later stage you find that that person was assisted by natural herbs from traditional healer,Rastas have been using dagga [holy herb] for many years,throughout those years science didn't approve it as medicine,is nowadays where science believe that truthfully it is medicine

Science is part of our life,BUT is not answer to everything in our life.To say if something is not scientifically approved is not good for us is misleading and dangerous   



Before you shoot me,hear me out what I have to say,some of you will be offended by this topic,though after you read this article you will understand why I say what I say.

This days we read about pastors who make people drink fuel as juice,eat snake as beef,eat grass as cheese,come to church naked,sucking of dick.All of this things are made to make more believers to come to church,which it means more churchgoers more money.In other words it makes churchgoers look stupid.How can semen's turn to holy juice,how can snake turn to beef,how can fuel turn to be orange juice.HOW POSSIBLE IS THAT?

Where is God to protect his name?
Where is God to punish this pastors?
Where is God to burn this false churches?
Where is God when this thing happen?
This show that exactly that God doesn't exist,people are being fooled to believe that if you believe in God you will be blessed.Bishops and pastors play with people's emotions,explaining scripture after scripture interpreting in a way to benefit themselves.They live lavish life,while their followers are hoping and wishing for better life,sad reality is most of this followers will die without being blessed,will die hoping and wishing



Loving someone who doesn't love you,

Is like knocking on empty house
Is like swimming in a water less river,
Is like driving a car without steering wheel,
Is like expecting rain on the desert,
Is like eating rotten food,

Loving someone who doesn't love you,

Is like being imprisoned,
Is like boarding a bus without fuel,
Is like wishing sun don't rise,
Is like eating raw meat

Loving someone who doesn't love you,
Is like accident waiting to happen 



Yes indeed I'm alcoholic!
Who doesn't have to be rehabilitated,
I dance when I'm drunk,
I joke when I'm drunk,
I'm immaculate when I'm drunk.

Yes indeed I'm alcoholic,
Yes indeed I'm alcoholic.

I befriend anyone rich or poor,
I party till early dawn,
Though tomorrow I'm penniless,
I don't complain because liquor is my friend,
When Christians go to church I go to the bar,
Bar man know what I want

Yes indeed I'm alcoholic,
Yes indeed I'm alcohoic.

I drown my sorrow in liquor,
I'm no player I just drink,
I'm not liar I just drink,
I'm not racist I drink all kinds of beers,
I sleep without nightmare.

Yes indeed I'm alcoholic,
Yes indeed I'm alcoholic

Thursday, 3 September 2015



I wish i was like you my son!
When I was like you, I didn't have too many chances,
I was restricted to be who I want to be,
By those who think their superior than me,
Bantu education was forced on me,
I was taught ''goeie moere baas'',
Sound of ak47 ka,ka,ka,ka,ka,was what I know,
Sound of police serene wiu,wiu,wiu,wiu,was what I know,
Didn't have time to build my career ,
Didn't have to discover my talent,
I was busy fighting for freedom you ,enjoy to day.

I wish I was like you my son!
Now you can study whatever you want or become whatever you want to be,
But no!no!no!no!,
You're busy changing girls like underwear ,
You're busy smoking nyaope,
You're busy drinking as if there's no tomorrow.

You come home at midnight,
Wasting money calling yourself Iskhotane,
Everyday I pray God that you don't end up in jail,
Aids is real ,my son!
Nyaope is poison my son!
Beer is poison my son!
Money you throw away should be saved for tomorrow,
Don't say I din't tell one day when you're old like me     

Wednesday, 2 September 2015



Don't throw it like dice,it may break
Don't forget like wallet,it may not be found,
Don't possessed with it,it may make you mad,
Don't put rubbish in it,it may stink.

It's heart to heart,
Soul to soul,
Feelings to feelings,

It's when we share laughter,
It's when we share jokes,

We water it to blossom,
We polish it to shine,
We nurse it to stay healthy,
We spice it to taste delicious,
We clean it to remain tidy

It's when storm turn to wind,
Floods to river,
Lighting to light,
Dry in to wet,
Cry in to laughter,
Enemies in to friends,
Hatred in to true love

Tuesday, 1 September 2015



you turn clever person in to idiots
you turn a man in to a boy,
you turn a woman in to a girl,
you turn a businessma in to hobbo

you demolish someones's status ,
you demlish marriages,
you demolish true love,
you demolish families,
you demolish carres,
you demolish talents,
 you never dissappoint awwyls intime guide and gentle
you are praised at every corner,
weddings are emprt without you,
partis are empty withuot you,
ceremoies are empty without you

troubled find comfort,
stresed find comfort,
crying findcomfort,
lonesome find a friend,
divorced find love

 you never dissappoint always intime guite and gentle,
you get praised at every corner,
wedding are empty withuot you,
parties are empty without you, ceremonies are empty without you,
even funerals are empty without you