Wednesday 30 December 2015



My home,
Your home,
Our home,
A place I hate to love ,
But love to hate.
Here talent rain with cats and dogs,
Though it doesn't make headline of daily sun,
Here talent is ever flowing river,
Though no one bother to stare

My home,
Your home,
Our home.
A place I hate to love,
But love to hate.
A hell to outsider,
Notorious to newsreader,
A land of milk and honey to who love it.

My home,
Your home,
Our home.
A place I hate to love,
But love to hate.
Here I find inspiration and love,
Here I find encouragement and motivation,
Here I find comfort and peace

My home,
Your home,
Our home. 
A place I hate to love ,
But love to hate

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